Okay I decided to give this Monday Mission PromoGuy.net thing a shot . . .on Tuesday.
Monday Mission 2.28
1. Have you ever sold anything through an online auction? What did you sell and did you make very much?
I've sold tons of Fontanini statues on ebay, I don't know what would qulify as doing well. We sold many but at discounted prices. Never had a problem though.
2. Have you ever bought anything through an online auction? How was your experience?
No, I just can't pull the trigger.
3. Do you like the sun? Getting a suntan? Have you ever had a bad sunburn?
Not really, I don't see the point in sun tans for me, I got a great one at birth. If I've had sunburn, I haven't yet seen it.
4. Are you a vegetarian? Why? If not, have you ever considered it?
I once was, but I gave it up becuase it was too expensive and I was losing too much weight. I 'm told I look better and am more attractive, chunky.
5. Suppose you are getting into your car after you've just made your purchase from a store you visit twice a week. You suddenly realize you had a .35¢ item in your hand and you forgot to pay for it. What would you do next? (what *would* you do, not what *should* you do)
I would keep it and pay for it next time.
6. Sometimes it seems that there is just not enough time to do everything that must be done. Was there anything you wanted to accomplish this weekend that didn't get done?
yes, everything. I was so drained from the week that I pretty much lounged in front of the TV and searched for B-movies. I caught Die hard 1 & 2, . . twice!
7. What is your favorite game to play with a group and/or an individual? (board game, computer game, athletic, etc.)
Scrabble and Taboo
BONUS: One headline why believe it ?
Bush engaged in insider trading. Why, I'm burning on the inside because I voted for Bush based on Pro Life issues even though I disagree with much of everyhting else he stands for and I regret it. I'll never vote for him again and I hope they prove insider trading. It is so embarrassing that a president and administration can be so openly and brazenly self serving and sold out.
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