Monday, October 28, 2002

My wife and I drove for hours yesterday around Calvert County in Southern Maryland. Actually, I was dropping off catalogs for our business at different parishes. Calvery county is a fast growing county in Southern Maryland. Calvert county is on the western shore of the Chesapeake, it is a beautiful place. I'm thinking of setting up a website so that people can donate to our attempt to buy a house out there.

The Catholic parishes out there seem to be relatively new. We saw two newly built and probably newly created parishes that were mouth watering. They were perfectly built, it seems, so that they wouldn't upset conservatives or liberals. The sanctuary has a communal feel and yet the buildings do actually look like churches.

The one miracle was that the baby slept for almost three hours while we were driving.

Ebay wish list: 1 cable for my digital camera so that I can take pictures of all these great places

power cable for my business computer monitor.

I love ebay when I'm selling stuff, but I hate searching for items.


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