Wednesday, November 06, 2002

As a Democrat, it has been a sad day, but ces't la vie. I just don't understand how Kathleen KennedyTownsend lost. I suspect it was because she did not pick an African American for her running mate. It was a great slight to the black community angering many who think she took them for granted. Her running mate (Lt. Governor) was a white moderate Republican and the point was to attract independent and moderate republican white voters. Well the plan back-fired. I doubt that the black voter base turned out for her. Furthermore, Ehlrich, the new Governor, has an African American as his running mate, making the Republican party attractive to many middle and upper class African Americans in this very Democratic state. In fact, Democrats won congressional seats and local elections statewide, but why didn't that transfer to Townsend?

At this time it looks like the Republicans will take it all on the national level. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't express my extreme dissappointment. The only good thing is that there'll probably be pro-life friendly legislation, but other than that, there's nothing to look forward to. We might as well kiss health care goodbye, environment, prescription drugs, welfare, etc.

The one silver lining is that Democrats seems to be doing or have done well on the state and local level, but this has certainly been a disaster for the Democrats.


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