Saturday, January 01, 2005

2004? . . . 2004, 2004, 2004 . . .

My wife and I rented Stepford Wives and I Robot (for me and my mind-numbing-bad-oneliners-no-plot-blowed-up needs). We settled in and popped the DVDs in and presto, "disc error." No movie night. That's the kind of year 2004's been.

However, we stumbled on to ScFi's Twilight Zone marathon and it was quite fun . . . that's the kind of year 2004's been.

New Year's resolutions? i honestly have nothing that I feel I need to resolute about. This is a work in progress. I do have goals, one of which is to publish my second novel, Children of Clay. That part is not hard because the manuscript is completed and I could always pitch it to PublishAmerica, the publisher of my first novel. However, I do want to try another publisher first. PublishAmerica acts like a Publish on Demand publisher, even though they aren't. This hurts their reputation and consequently books produced by them. So even though I have a book published, I can't join the Science Fiction Writers of America because they do not accept works published by said publisher. Not that that is some great loss, but I did want to join, there are benefits.

On the small business, Catholic Bookstore front, I see growth, but I certainly need more cow bell. Bestsellers this year were our military St Michael and St Christopher medals, also we sold quite a few Da Vinci books (Hoax and Decoding). But I think prayer books are the best of the bestsellers. Anyway, I offer libations of wine and beer to the anscestors, saints, angels and Trinity for 2005.

For someone who is as critical of Church as I am, I, not to infrequently, find myself in the ironic and amusing position of having to defend Catholicism as a Catholic bookstore owner. The other day, a lady was playing dumb upon seeing a rosary tape we were selling called "Pray the Rosary," she said "Pray to the rosary?? What does that mean?" She acted really confused, but I could see right through the foolishness. "It's Pray the Rosary not to the Rosary." "But the Bible says to pray to Jesus," she continued with her bewildered look.

"Ma'am, this is Catholic, I'm Catholic, the rosary is Catholic and that's the way it is. I was born Catholic, will die Catholic and will enter Heaven Catholic."

"No you won't" she said, "No you won't."

"Go to Hell" I said . . . in my heart (outwardly I smiled). The Bible says confess your sins one to another which is why I reveal the unpleasant thought in my mind at the time. (Mistakes were made, uncharitable words were thought). Anyway, she walked away shaking her head.

Another time, a nice young Army guy stopped by, innocently inquiring about the Catholic Church, but I was unto him like hot sauce on chicken wings. But he was a realy nice guy, he was respectful, but I don't think I convinced him that I was saved. I think a trip down their Baptist aisle and a dunk in a pool of water while denying the Blessed Virgin Mary may have done the trick. He invited me to their Church which I really want to attend, but I forget where it is.

And then there are the many tracts I get handed as they say, "God bless you brother." Don't call me brother if you think I am going to Hell!!

Well 2005 is still going to be a mountain, but greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world, right Mr John 4? My one goal, I will say, is that besides a dissertation, I do want to write a non-fiction book. Maybe that'll be my New Years (r)esoultion (pls note the tentative commitment).


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