Wednesday, March 23, 2005

T'was love with Newman?

Then there was a lady whom John Henry had met through his sisters. "In all this goodly array," Tom Mozley remembered, "there was not a grander or more ornamental figure than Maria Rosina Giberne. She was . . . the prima dona of the company. Tall, strong of build, with aquiline nose, well-formed mouth, penetrating eyes, and a luxuriance of glossy black hair, she would command attention anywhere." . . . She was entirely devoted to Newman--perhaps in love with him--who responded to her vivacious temperment with sensible caution. Though the had more than one serious quarrel she remained through thick and thin his fervent disciple. She entered a Convent after she became a Catholic and died in France a few years before Newman, his spiritual daughter to the end.

From The Oxford Conspirators by Marvin O'Connell.


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