Monday, August 12, 2002

Busy day, light blogging.

Over the past week I had something of an epiphany. I was watching a lady on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) who was preaching and she got into describing the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and wiped with her hair. The preacher was very descriptive and I began to try to go back in time to picture this woman.

Who knows what things she had done. It is a forgone conclusion that her life was not a clean and holy one. It was such that even Jesus' host would think, "if he knew what kind of person was touching him, he wouldn't allow this." But regardless of the woman's sin and fringe status in society, she knew that, while she had to avoid the upright of society for fear of contaminating them, she sould run to Jesus.

It then hit me, what kind of man was this Jesus to whom the outcast and down trodden of society could run to freely without condemnation? As a church are do we exude that quality? As Christians do we exude that quality?


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