Thursday, December 19, 2002

24-my theory was that Jack and Nina were going to fall in love, but I guess i can kiss that possibility good bye after the last episode. Jack was the agent last year who prevented a presidential assasination in 24 hours, however in the process his wife was killed by Nina Meyers, who was Jack's peer in the Couter Terrorsim Unit and whose life Jack once saved. Apparently she was crooked and sold out to the highest bidder. Well this season is about a nuclear bomb set to blow in Los Angeles and they have 24 hours to track it down and prevent the catastrophe. It so happens that Nina also sold out to the terrorists and gave them plans to bomb the Counter Terrorism Unit's building and prevent them from getting involved.

Because Nina has information that may lead to prevention of the attack, she forced the president to grant her a pardon in exchange for information. Jack is the one handling her and she is terrified of him because of the impulse for revenge. Nina led them to her contact but she tricked the contact into giving her info and then killed him so that she would still be needed which guarantees her safety. She is cold, cruel and calculating and it'll be interesting to see where they go with that story line.

I do appreciate that 24 has given us our first TV black president, but he just doesn't seem in control.

Alias: the show has turned so completely to the CIA side of things that it has become unexciting. They need to return to SD6 and highlight the danger of Sidney and her father leaving double lives. And bring back Dixon, the only serious black character in the show.


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