Wednesday, December 11, 2002

I am watching tiger cubs pop out of their mother's outlet. I must say that it is not the most appetizing sight. Poor tiger, she's had four and is exhausted.Why do I care.

Day 228, daddy putting little girl to bed. I tried during 24 during a commercial break but she wasn't quite ready. She actually lay down but would get up smiling and wanted to walk around the crib, so I brought her back down and then after 24 I took her back up and she went to sleep. Total time, probably under ten minutes.

Sheet of ice today, pray no accidents.

24 wasn't too bad today. The part that bugs me is that they are developing quite a few storylines and I get nervous when there's too much suspense. I thought the scene with Mason and his estranged son was a fine piece of acting by both actors. Alias on sunday was weak in meiner meinung nach. I am not happy with the whole shift to the CIA. The show used to be all SD6 and that's what made it dangerous. The fact that Sidney Bristow, who works for SD6 thinking at first it was the CIA but now knows the truth and is now a CIA double agent seeking to destroy SD6, carried a perpetual sense of danger that fed us audience types. Now it is so boring and safe with the CIA focus (I still higly recommend the show). The Practice was also weak and somewhat outlandish.

Even though I dropped the Nanowrimo ball with the story I started out with, I got the major hots for another one that I had complete, a short story, and I have been adding to it like crazy. It went from 9,000 words to 18,000 words. I think about 3,000-5,000 more words and I'll be done. I'm going for the 1stbooks $399.00 deal. The story that I am working is undergoing a major change and I am excited about it.

A friend of mine just came down with the Chicken pox, what a bummer. I had Chicken pox when I was 23 so I understand what it's like to have it as an adult. It really is not that bad, you just feel like dudu and look even worse.


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