Wednesday, January 22, 2003

I am teaching an catechist formation course on the Creed. This area of theology tends to be the area that I like best, but this is the first time that I am actually teaching it. I have had to teach Scripture, Vatican II and Morality, so this is unusual for me, but I love it.

I finished a "short story" I was revising. It went from 25 pages to 74 pages. I think I need a couple more run throughs, but I think I am satisfied with it. Now, I have to focus on another short story which I have given some time and distance. This sother story is 20 pages long and I don't anticipate any major revisions.

When, I'm done with the second story I will try to return to my dormant Nano project which has been percolating. However, I think I am all set for a short story type publication.


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