Saturday, November 06, 2004

Blue States and Terrorism and other interesting numbers

What is it with Red states and terrorism? Think about it, Indiani, Wyoming, Alabama, Mississippi, and the list goes on, are not in danger of being hit by terrorists. But all the states that have known and proven terrorist targets on their backs, NY,DC,VA, MD, CA, IL, WA, NJ are all blue. NV is a few thousand votes short of blue.

We in the blue states are the ones most at risk of a terrorist strike, for us it is not simply a scare tactic, it is real and we overwhlemingly voted for John Kerry. That says something, don't you think?

Another interesting number I noticed has to do with education level. Kerry won the post-graduate vote by 10 points or more. Bush won on the college grads and high school grads, but here's what's very fascinating-Kerry won the vote among those with no high school degree. So it doesn't follow that it was all about education.

BTW i saw this chart about red state, blue state average IQs. I had to laugh. Of course, blue states are all higher and red states bring up the rear. I don't think that is all surprising. It was the numbers that were surprising. Average IQ in Texas is 90? Come on! 90 is close or in Idiot range (Perhaps, GWB is single handedly responsible for that figure). I don't doubt the general idea, but the numbers are low. Besides there's all that stuff about different intelligences etc, for the record, George Bush is dumb regardless of what test or standard you use. He makes up for his lack of abilities by lying with conviction.

There's the story of two girls walking in the woods and come across a hungry bear. One girl does the math at lightning speed and calculates that they are doomed because they can't outrun the bear. As she turns to her friend, she sees her removing her shoes. "What are you doing?" smart friend asks. "I don't have to outrun the bear," less-smart friend says, "I just have to outrun you."

BTW, I believe that we need to end red state welfare. If they want to vote for GWB, then damn it, we are not going to keep supporting them.


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