Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Private Drug Use Okay But Not in This Case

So says Andrew Sullivan:

As many of you know, I'm a libertarian when it comes to recreational drug use (and what consenting adults do in private). But I draw the line at this drug [crystal meth]. It's evil, potent beyond belief, it's destroying people's minds, careers, lives and souls.

Talk about not making any sense. Why draw the line at this drug and not others? Because it is public health risk? Even the phrase "recreational" drug use never quite made sense to me. I remember being at the doctor's office and a med student/intern (whatever) was asking questions and she asked, "Have you used any drugs recently?" The doctor walked in as she asked and he laughed. He said, "Let me rephrase that, have you used any recreational drugs lately?"

Maybe someday, I'll eat my words, or maybe this issue requires more thought than I am prepared to give it, but the suggestion that mind or state altering drugs can and should be recreational is bothersome to say the least. We need a different frame for the issue. How about "destructive mind altering substances"?

Again, I haven't given the issue of drug use much thought because I'm against it, pot and all. However, I simply speak in reference to our society. I am aware that in times past, in different places, at various and sundry seasons, drugs have been used in relgious ceremonies and for various other purposes. Nonetheless, in those cases, they serve a function beyond simple recreation. Medical marijuana? Yeah, sure, go for it! Recreational marijuana? No, not a good thing for people and society. (Please don't email me about pot, I don't know what I am talking about and do not wish to know. I am happy in my ignorance of its blissfulness.)


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