Thursday, June 27, 2002

There is a sense in which we can say that Jesus is a clone of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her genetic material was sufficient to produce a full human being. It is, in a sense, a delayed twining. of course the important aspect to note is that the person of Jesus as the Son of God is unaffected by any status accorded his human nature. Nonetheless, Mary does share a special ontological link with Jesus that cannot be discarded lightly.

I conceive of Mary and Jesus as a Eucharistic prayer. Mary is the unconsecrated bread and wine presented. The annuciation would be the epiclesis, i.e., when the Holy Spirit is invoked to bless the gifts and infuse them. In the East, the epiclesis is at the heart of transubstantiation, while in the west we tend to focus on the words of institution. What this shows us is that the entire Eucharistic prayer is the transforming event for the Eucharistic sacrament.

So if Mary's annunciation is then identified with the moment of epiclesis, we can then understand the Eucharistic prayer as the human journey of Christ from conception and climaxing in the words of institution. So what we then have when we receive communion is true contact with the entire life and presence of Christ, including his special ontological link to the BVM.

In the first few centuries in the Eastern part of the Church, the idea persisted, and still does, that the body of Christ was spun from the weave and loom of Mary's body and so Mary is responsible for the sacred flesh of Christ.

Just as we believe that no one can understand God truly except through Christ, I think it is impossible to appreciate Christ fully without acknowledging the full glory of the Mother of God. She was not simply a conduit or tunnel or channel for God to pass through, but the Son of God was created in her womb, BY HER FAITH!

The Blessed Virgin Mary forms the core of Christ's historical existence, whose existence is salvific for us. To deny Mary would be to deny Christ.

Ave Maria!


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