Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Israeli Candidate Urges Renewal of Peace Talks (

On NPR this morning they reported that Mr. Sharon's approval has fallen 8 points to 57 percent and that many Israelis, as many as 60 percent, do not think that he has a political plan to engage the Palestinians. I could have told them that a while back.

I think Sharon was elected to rough up the Palestinians because at the time, enough was enough, and coincidentally, Israeli support for tough action is still high. However, they know and we all know that they can't continue to live this way. Besides the horrendous toll it is taking on the economy, psychologically it is a nightmare. I personally wish Ehud Barak or someone like Mr. Peres would rise to power even though it is unlikely because they seem like men of peace. It seems like the right wing Likkud(sp) party is poised to win with either Sharon or Netanyahu. But like the linked article states the Labor party has someone who might be a legit challenger.

I just don't think sabre rattling is going to solve anything and someone is going to swallow his pride and the someones aren't Arafat or Sharon.

As unlikely as it seems, I still think Israel should consider dismantling its settlements and unilaterally pull out of the West Bank with entrance restrictions and then gradually ease those restrictions as things settle.


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