Monday, May 19, 2003

Tammy Bruce
appeared on CSPAN this morning.
Tammy Bruce is an openly gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, voted-for-President Reagan progressive feminist. She was drawn into feminist activism in the late 1980's to contribute to the ongoing effort to ensure safe and legal abortion for all women. Just two years after joining the National Organization for Women, and with a brand of feminism that places her somewhere between Donna Reed and Thelma and Louise, Ms. Bruce was elected president of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW at the age of 27. The youngest ever to achieve that position, she doubled the chapter's membership from 2,000 to 4,000 within a year with issue campaigns that introduced a fresh view of feminist activism. In her seven years as president (1990-1996, the longest continuous tenure in the chapter's 30 year history) she mobilized activists locally and nationally on a whole range of issues, including women's image in media, child care, health care, violence against women, economics, and domestic violence. Ms. Bruce also served two years as a member of the National NOW board of directors.

Listening to her was interesting. She is calls herself a liberal Democrat, etc. but she really is a Log Cabin Republican. I think the only reason she self identifies as liberal or Democrat is because she is gay and the conservative crowd would not openly accept her.

To me she sounds like one of those conservative Blacks who provides fodder for the the Right to make attacks the Black community. She provides material for the Right to attack Liberals and gays.

I'm not unsymphathetic to many of her issues and there has to be a diversity of views in a very politicized debate. But she's very much like a Horowitz, who is raking it in by a blanket attack on the Left, which doesn't make sense in my view. It is true that the nature of liberal activism has to change and evolve, which it has to an extent, they want to the see the left dissolve completely.


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