Monday, January 06, 2003

I just read the Catholic Writers Association's newsletter The Write Stuff. In it there was an interview with Emily Snyder a Catholic fantasy writer. Now, that interview was intense and dense, it is going to take a few reads to get it. I just wonder how Mrs. Lively managed to get down everything, it must have been quite a feat.

Any writing I was doing came to a crashing halt in mid December for a host of reasons. I have been largely uninspired to do anything until now. I feel the juices slowly flowing back. My problem is endless revisioning. Right now, I'm stuck in the middle of revisions and I think I'm dreading thinking them through. Besides, i was motivated by the 1stBooks Publishers December deal to publish for only $399. But since I missed the deadline, I guess I'm now just strolling along. I need something to light a fire under me. Perhaps it was that interview.


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