Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Is anyone else baffled by the Bush administration's response to the North Korea situation? They've all of a sudden become meek doves. I guess some axis of evil states are less evil than others. Never mind that N. Korea's government is more likely than iraq to export missle technology to other nations. One thing we know about Saddam Hussein is that he is trying to resurrect the Babylonian empire and be its ruler, so he is not going share technology at his peril, but N. Korea will!!!

I'm not for war, but I feel that if we should be making war plans, then they should be focused on N. Korea and not Iraq. Iraq is not the most immediate threat but N. Korea is.

The other policy objective would be to relocate the capital city of S. Korea to a point further south and not within shouting distance of the DMZ. I think that's were the real fear is, that N. Korea would put a serious hurting on the Seoul in an attack even though the U.S. would wipe out the N. Korean army relatively quickly.

I heard that since 1995, the US has given N. Korean about hundreds of millions of dollars worth of food in humanitarian aid. Far more than any one else. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. I just find it interesting that the Clinton adminsitration was much more hawkish about N. Korea than is the Bush administration.


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