Bush gives Lott the harsh treatment, but it is still not fully satisfactory. The CBC will keep asking for a censure of Lott because the man still refuses to give a very comprehensive and definitive apology and statement. Sen. Lott can be a racist if he so chooses and he fills he represents his constituents in that sense, but since he is a national figure, as majority leader, he doesn't have the luxury of freudian slips any more.
An interesting factor to watch is how this plays out with Jews. If Lott's image sticks to the party, despite Bush's best efforts, Florida and New York will not be kind to the Republican, Ari Fleischer not withstanding.
I'm thinking of running for office. I'm interesting in being a governor, then president and then, I want to rule the world!!!! Ooops, did I say that? Actually I am intrigued. If I ever come into major coin I will run for something, this way no one can control me or my message. Okay, so what's my platform? . . .I'll mentiontio the issues and give a political scale. For example "liberal 7" means that on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, 5 being average, I am liberal up to a degree of 7 on that issue.
Defense (conservative 8) I loathe war, but it is necessary. I am committed to superlative military superiority as a deterence. I will Increas R&D in space based warfare-we can't stop the inevitable tide of nuclear proliferation from rogue states, it would be my administration's policy to engage in pro-active and decisive defensive measures.
Healthcare (liberal 8/9) from what I understand, $100 million will provide insurance for everyone, if not everyone, children and mothers, that would be a priority
Abortion (liberal 6)--I am personally opposed to abortion and horrified by it but I am weary of an instant "illegalification" after thirty years. I think we have to take measure to reduce abortions and commit to making it illegal at some future point. I think poverty and women's welfare have a lot to do with the abortion problem and if we can improve the lot of women significantly and structurally address problems of poverty I believe these steps would reduce abortions and then the transition to making it illegal would be easier; Environment: (liberal 8)clean air, clean water, clean our rivers and water ways.
Education: (liberal 7), build schools, gov't pays teachers more, but more is demanded from teachers. Opposed to public money or vouchers going to private schools including Catholic schools. Private schools do a good job, but it really is taking away from the pool of resources for public schools. What is need is unforgiving enforcement in schools, so that failing schoool systems are no longer tolerated.
Economy: (liberal 5.5) Capital gains tax cut, increased Gov't spending to spur economic growth, weak dollar to increase US exports, though not too weak, elimiate tariffs and let inefficient industries die out, unless it can be shown that letting a particular industry die would endager national security. Seek free trade zone for the Americas. Reduce deficit but not be obsessed with no deficit policies. Increase SEC funding to increase white collar crime enforcement and improve confidence in wall street. Expand SBA funding and programs and do all possible to support small business including giving SBA the authority to do micro loans. Much more . . .
Foreign policy: Decrease dependence of middle eastern oil. Embrace multi-lateralism and the UN while insisting on policy of unparalled military might. Inrease funding 10 fold to Africa and make it more of a priority. strengthen ties with latin America. Strengthen Russia's democracy and push for it to have special status with EU.
Ono. . .Ono . . . wake up!!! Oh shoot! Gotta run . . .